Core Concepts


This guide will show you how to initialize the Glue42 Web library in a simple JavaScript app.

Referencing Glue42 Web

Install the @glue42/web package from NPM and reference the library file directly, or reference the Glue42 Web library in your web apps with a link to UNPKG.

  • From NPM:

Install the @glue42/web package in the root directory of your project:

npm install @glue42/web

Reference the library in your web app:

<script src="./node_modules/@glue42/web/dist/web.umd.js">
  • From UNPKG:

Reference the library in your web app:

<script src=""></script>

Referencing the Glue42 Web library script will attach a GlueWeb() factory function to the window object.


Initialize the Glue42 Web library by invoking the exposed GlueWeb() factory function. It accepts an optional Config object in which you can specify settings regarding the Glue42 APIs.

Below is an example of initializing the Glue42 Web library with the default settings:

import GlueWeb from "@glue42/web";

// Use the object returned from the factory function
// to access the Glue42 APIs.
const glue = await GlueWeb();

Initializing the Glue42 Web library with custom settings:

import GlueWorkspaces from "@glue42/workspaces-api";
import GlueWeb from "@glue42/web";

const initializeGlue42 = async () => {

    // Initializing the Workspaces library.
    const initOptions = {
        libraries: [GlueWorkspaces]

    // Use the object returned from the factory function
    // to access the Glue42 APIs.
    const glue = await GlueWeb(initOptions);

    // Here Glue42 Web is initialized and you can access all Glue42 APIs.
